• Register
  • Verification
  • Personal Information
  • Health Condition


Step 1 - 4

OTP Verification

Step 2 - 4

Personal Information

Step 3 - 4

Where are you now? (Present Address/Current Residence)

This address will be used to identify your vaccination center, so kindly provide the address for where you live and not your permanent address.

You can update the present address for the second dose of the vaccination after the first dose is complete.

If your present address is under Thimphu Thromde, kindly pick your thromde to display the list of zones.

If your present address is under any one of the three thromdes ( apart from Thimphu ), kindly pick your thromde to display the list of thromde demkhungs.

If your present address is under any one of the dzongkhag ( not thromdes ), kindly pick your dzongkhag to display the list of gewogs and then chiwogs.

Your Occupation Details

Emergency Contact Details

Health Condition/Comorbidities & Remarks

Step 4 - 4

You have successfully registered. You will receive SMS from MoH for the vaccination schedule in due time.
Thank You and Stay Safe